It has been a busy few months! I hope to catch up on the goings on but today I am going to focus on Easter!
Last Sunday we went to my cousins in PA for Palm Sunday brunch and egg hunt for the kids. I was great seeing my family and watch the next generation of cousins play! I forgot my camera so no pictures for that event. Then we were off to egg hunt number 2 of the day. It was a Fundraiser for Molly and her family. I was so awesome to see so many families come out and support Molly and her family! I think this is going to be an awesome event for years to come!
Saturday we colored Eggs and Ty had a blast! He got a kick out of some of the eggs having our names on them!
A few pictures of the egg dying.

Sunday was Easter! Ty was excited for the Bunny. I think he was thinking Christmas morning but I told him it was a very scaled down Christmas morning. SO up at 6am and downstairs we go and Ty was very happy the Lego's and Lighting McQueen beach chair. The we had an indoor egg hunt and he was pleased with the jelly beans and money that were in the eggs! He loved getting monies! He is saving for a Lego Space Shuttle!
Here are a few pictures from yesterday. They were taken with my cell phone so they are not great.

Thanks for taking a peak into our lives! I am hoping to update more!