So as most people know I am a mom to a sweet, wonderful but sometimes a handful 5yr old and I am a caregiver to the most giving wonderful man( my dad) who survived a stroke almost 5 yrs ago.
It has not been an easy ride. There has been a lot of adjustments and a lot of tears. We have also had plenty of times that it makes it all worth it. There has been a few times I have thought to myself why am I doing this to myself and my family. Being sandwiched sucks!
I had one of the why am I doing this moments yesterday morning. My son who is not a sleeper slept until almost 9:30am unheard of in this house. My dad was yelling for me at 9:15am because I hadn't gotten him up, dressed and feed. I was so sad he didn't understand that this was a big moment for me and the hubs to sleep in. He was yelling and mad at me most of the day. I know he doesn't really understand and he is grumpier since the stroke but sometimes it just hurts.
I am really looking forward to the I am going to be getting a week from today. Dad is leaving next Monday to spend sometime with his brothers over in Ireland. We tried this out last summer and it worked well we are hoping this year will be be just as successful! I am greatful that dad's family in Ireland are give me this break. It is hard working caring for dad, taking care of a child and keeping up with the house. I know this is the "job" I decided was the right path 5 yrs ago and I wouldn't want to have it any other way because my dad has giving me so much and I love him very much.
But damn it sucks at times!
Thanks for reading my vent!
Trish! Hi!!! I'm SO glad that your dad is going to go visit them again this year! I have admired you for years! What you do day in and day out is NOT easy my friend. I'm sure your family is all very proud and grateful for you! Hang in there and enjoy your days off! :) xoxox