Friday, June 21, 2019

Do you compare yourself to others?

Well stop!

I know easier said then done.

I know it hard with all the perfectly staged social media posts to think I am the only hot mess express out there.

Guess what your not! I am a proud member of the not mess express club.

I mean how can I not be??? I am a mom of two kids, I am my dads primary caregiver and my husband works fulltime with an on call schedule and overtime. I also work part time outside the home and I am working on growing my health and fitness coaching business. Oh and I am really bad at saying no. So I take on way to many things at once.

I am here to tell you today you may not shine like the sun but tomorrow you can as long as you keep trying!

Some days you will rock at whatever you are trying to achieve(even if it just getting out of bed). Or you can be like me.

The other day I thought I was rocking the mom thing. I had the kids doing workbooks, outside activities, an experiment and a craft. I even had my youngest BBF over for the fun. Then while taking C's friend home I realized the time and had to turn around pick up my son and take both girls with me to T's orthodontist appointment. We arrived I was told we were late and that the appointment was at 2pm not 2:15 like I had wrote down.

So I started out shining like the sun. Then hit a snag and it clouded over for minute. Did I let it stop me? Nope I shook off my feelings being inadequate and moved on with my day. I wasn't going to let that hiccup ruin all the good from the day.

Celebrate those days you shine and celebrate those days you don't because when the sun shines again it will be brighter and sweeter!

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