Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

Today is Transformation Tuesday.

I am going to share with you today my transformation to date. I say to date since my transformation is still in progress.

The transformation picture I am sharing today has a picture from 2011 and one I just took last weekend when I finished the first 4 weeks of Insanity Max:30.

As I look at the picture from 2011 I don't recognize that person. I ask myself a few question How did I let myself get that heavy? How did I let that happen? I promised myself back in October 2009 when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes I was going to get healthy. Focus on me for once.

Then about a year after that picture was taken I was pregnant with my daughter and I was put on a strict diabetic diet and I had to switch to insulin. I HATED giving myself those shots and the bruising that was all over my belly from those shots. I stuck to the plan gained no weight. I lost weight even.

Then after giving birth and going off the insulin I slowly gained some weight back. Finally January 2014 I had enough of weight gain and talked to my friend who was a Beachbody about T25 and Shakeology. After our talk I knew I needed to take the plunge and order T25 and Shakeology.

A year later and I am so glad I did! My blood work shows my hard work is paying off. My A1C is in pre diabetic range and I was able to lower my cholesterol back into normal range and NOT have to start medication!

I did one round of T25. Then 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix with some Piyo thrown in-between 21DF rounds. The finally this January (2015) I started Insanity Max:30 and if you asked me a year ago if I would do any Insanity program I would have told you you were nuts! But I LOVE this program and most importantly I can do this program (with modification for my knees). I LOVE the meal plan the 21 Day Fix comes with. It is now we now eat 80% of the time.

I am far from done but I can look back at that picture from 2011 and remember how far I have come since that day!

I also remember I am going this to be an example for my children and be around to see them grow!

Thanks for reading!


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