Monday, January 26, 2015

It's snowing and I am bored!

I am trying really hard today to not eat my way through this snow storm!

In the past I would be baking all kinds of yummy treats and stocked my pantry with chips and diet soda. Instead I hardly have anything to bake with in the pantry. I might be able to scrap together enough flour to make blackberry scones. I have no chips and no soda. I had my groceries delivered yesterday and pick up some extra eggs and carrots to dip but that's it.

So now I am like what am I going to do with my hands to keep busy in-between fights and "I am bored" from the kids.

Well I am going to redo a bookcase!

I discovered a new love of redoing/painting furniture that we have in the house and few things we have picked up at Goodwill. This keeps my hands busy and covered in paint so snacking happens only when I hungry not bored.

Here is a collage of the latest project I did over the past week. It is a toy box my husband picked up at Goodwill for $6.

I used Annie Sloan's Old White, dark wax and soft clear wax. I had to use wood filler to blend the bear back into the wood. I also sanded the dark wax before applying and buffing the soft wax.

I LOVE the way it turned out and can't wait to fill it with C's dress up clothes!

Now this is the piece I will be working on so I am snacking my way through the snowstorm!

Thanks for reading and stay tunes for pictures of the bookcase redo and how we are fairing with the snow!

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